Month: April 2017

Transcripts at the Toronto March for Science

Transcripts at the Toronto March for Science

written by Andrew Zhai photos by Rebecca Li Last weekend, hundreds of thousands of scientists and science-allies gathered in cities all over the world for the March for Science. The goal? To get “political leaders and policymakers to enact evidence-based policies in the public interest.” Surely 

Using Structure to Better Understand Biofilm Formation: An Interview with Lindsey Marmont

Using Structure to Better Understand Biofilm Formation: An Interview with Lindsey Marmont

Written by Anastassia Pogoutse A perusal of the “News and Events” section of the Biochemistry website reveals that members of our department regularly produce some very exciting work. However, when a news story distills down a publication to its barest and most interesting facts, it 

The Final Hurdle: Dr. Nikko Torres tells us about his PhD Defense

The Final Hurdle: Dr. Nikko Torres tells us about his PhD Defense

Written by Andrew Zhai Take a moment and think about some traditional milestones in life and how long they take to occur. It takes four years to graduate from high school. Four years to earn a bachelor’s degree. Couple’s date for an average of three 

Radio in the lab: 5 podcasts for graduate students

Radio in the lab: 5 podcasts for graduate students

written by Dr. Yuqing Wang  Photo credit: Rebecca Li When I was in graduate school, my commute to and from the lab was an hour long. As you may know, entertainment options are scarce on the subway, apart from newspapers and Candy Crush. On one fateful 

A Letter From the Editors at Transcripts

A Letter From the Editors at Transcripts

Scientific discourse should be inclusive of everybody, because science belongs to everybody.